
27 September 2013

Kue Tampah

Pesanan dari Astrid my roomate dulu sewaktu masih kerja di Doha Airport. Makasih yaa ^_^ ...
Ngerjain sampe jam 1 pagi baru selesai...fiiuhh... Alhamdulillah kelar juga.

19 September 2013

Lava Lamp

Ini dia hasil Lava lamp yang di buat anak-anak dalam mengisi liburan summer kemarin. Bahan-bahannya mudah di dapat di  sekitar kita. Yuk kita simak cara membuatnya..

18 September 2013

Cookies New Character

Hi there ! It's been long time I didn't post it. After long summer vacation I went to Indonesia and search new cookies cutter characters which is I love collecting these funny cute cookies cutter ^_^..  So these are the new cookies character that I have made.